"By being able to go back at look at house setups at any point in the game, you can see alternate shots without the pressure of the game. Our warm room shot choices didn't match up well with what we actually called."
- T. J. Crocket - Competitive Curler
Take a look at the list below to see a sample of the features
that Curl Coach brings to charting.
- • Extensive export/import support
- Export / import Competitions, Strategy Books, and Drills.
- Share Drills with other coaches.
- Chart on one iPad, manage on another.
- CSV export of competitions.
- • Customizable to match your style of charting and the level
of experience of you team. You decide:
- Chart the opposition?
- Require end-goals?
- Chart tolerance?
- WCF or CCA sheet size.
- Button size
- Automatic broom placement
- • Detailed data for each venue you visit, including contact
information and driving directions.
- • Built in Users Guide including a section on “Getting the
Most Out of Curl Coach”
- • Various high performance analysis tools included in PDF format.